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Windows 10/11
Stream Proof
No USB Required
Auto-Update: RUAVT automatically updates after every game update, so you can access the latest features immediately without waiting.
Stability: RUAVT guarantees 100% uptime, operating 24/7 without interruptions.
Spectator Safe: Your UAV is invisible to other players in the game, ensuring you remain undetected.
Stream Proof: Although RUAVT is visible on screen recordings and streams, it is undetectable by other players within the game itself.
Exclusivity: This product is only compatible with BO6 and is non-transferable to future Call of Duty titles.
Note: VDS, VPS, and VM servers are not supported.
Processors: Works with both Intel and AMD processors.
Constant UAV: Enjoy continuous UAV functionality throughout the game, providing you with real-time enemy positions at all times.