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Intel + AMD Support
Supported Windows Version: 10 - 11
DMA Card Required
Combat Features
Silent Aim
Visibility Check
Perfect Prediction
Independent Player and AI aimbot settings
Customizable Per-Hitbox hit chances
Optional always on mode (when enabled, the aimbot will always be active looking for targets - there is no need to press the hotkey)
Instant ADS
No Malfunctions
Custom Recoil
Independently customizable sway and recoil
Removable Attachments
Fast Load/Unload
Visibility Check
Deep Customizability
Dynamic Crosshair (see where the bullet from your gun will actually land)
Battle Mode
Fuser and Non-Fuser modes
Detailed SVG Maps
Deep Quest Tracking
Customizable Loot Filters
Shows all AI types (Raiders, Rogues, Cultists, Boss Guards, Bosses, etc...)
Players Table with player stats
Full PVE mode support
Loot Through Walls
Silent Loot
Visibility Check
Customizable visible/invisible colors for every player type
Locked Aimbot Target Chams
Disable Culling
Full Bright
Disable Shadows
Custom Time
Sunny Weather
Disable Grass
Instant Plant (allows you to instantly plant quest items)
Infinite Stamina (causes rubberbanding at yellow weight)
Enhanced Jump
Enhanced Throw
M.U.L.E. Mode (causes rubberbanding if you exceed ~60KG)
Always Sprint
No Inertia
Instant Plant (allows you to instantly plant quest items)
Misc 2
Third Person (configurable camera position and distance)
Night Vision
Thermal Vision
Instant Zoom
Disable Effects:
No Flash (Disables the blindness effect when you are exposed to an extreme flash of light)
No Blood (Disables the blood drops effect when you are bleeding/injured)
No Sharpen (Disables the painkiller screen sharpening effect)
No Blur (Disables the screen blurriness effect when you take damage)